
Welcome to my download page. If you link, please link to this download page, rather than the file locations, as they may change.


My story blueprint/workbook thing will probably always be a work in progress, because I’m always learning new things. This method is for those open to plotting (committed pantsters just don’t even look–you’ll get hives) and takes me through a process of discovering a story before I sit down to write it. Even my crit partner, whom I’ve reformed from a meandering pantster through the power of my Pink War Hammer of Doom (another story), has had good luck with this method. YMMV, but anyone who tries it should feel free to reformat and re-order so that it makes sense for the way you think and your own evolving process.

Susan Bischoff’s Story Blueprint

I’ve completed the series (for now) explaining the different parts of the Blueprint and how I use it. You will find the first post here, with next post navigation at the bottom right corner at the end of each post.

Also, if you keep your writing notes in Evernote, like I do, I’ve placed it in a public notebook there too. If you join the notebook, I think you should be able to copy it over and over in your Evernotes.

26 responses to “Downloads

  1. Stacey Wallace Benefiel

    I just downloaded the blueprint and think I will give it a try-probably apply it to my severely wandering WIP.:)

    • Poor wand’ring WIP!/Though thou hast surely strayed,/Take heart of grace,/Thy steps retrace–

      Ugh. You didn’t know about my Pirates of Penzance obsession. Now it comes out. The shame of it. Don’t look at me– go watch this.
      Good luck with your plotting.

  2. Pingback: Author Interview: Susan Bischoff « Stacey Wallace Benefiel

  3. Jane Clark

    OMG! I followed the link to the Pirates of Penzance video. I can’t stop laughing!

  4. Pingback: Uber Productive Weekend | Kait Nolan

  5. Thank you for making this available. I’ve saved it in my ‘writing resources’ file. One suggestion, for packrats like me–put your name and contact info/blog link in the word file so when I look at it again in a few months, I’ll remember where I got it from!

  6. This is pretty awesome … thanks!

    Like all the very best ideas, they are based on things that ought to be obvious but aren’t! I realise that I have written a detailed synopsis of 21 chapters of my current WIP and I haven’t answered some of the most fundamental questions in the blue print!

    You might just have saved some tantential wandering, plotless spirals and wholesale pruning! 😀

  7. Thank you for this download. I’ve saved it and it will come in very useful!

  8. Pingback: Stress Plotting | Kait Nolan

  9. Thank you for the download. I followed a link from Kait Nolan’s blog post about plotting under stress and this blueprint will help me do just that. Time is not something I have much of right now, but the blueprint will allow me to keep working on my WIP even if its only for the couple of minutes it takes to read a task and then think about it while I’m doing other things. 🙂

  10. Pingback: Learning to plot? | Sadie Hart

  11. Pingback: Sneaky Sneaky! Chasing The Plot Bunny | Kait Nolan

  12. Pingback: Love to outline? | Sadie Hart

  13. Pingback: Stuff and Things | Kait Nolan

  14. Pingback: Sooper Seekrit Sexy Next Book | Kait Nolan

  15. Pingback: ROW80 – Hits and Misses | Cricket Webber

  16. Pingback: ROW 80 check-in 8/24 « Leavekeeping

  17. Pingback: Plan your NaNo – Organize Your Plot | Sadie Hart

  18. Just downloaded this worksheet. Thanks for your generosity!

    P.S. And it’s really helpful.

  19. Nice of you to share in this format. Cheers!

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